***Understanding Carbon Foot Print***

Do you know that apart from industrial activities, individual can also contribute to climate change by our day to day activities?

Surprised? Don’t be, because we all do! So before you blame big companies for climate change, ask yourself how your activities and relationship with the environment has been?
You can know your impact on the environment by calculating your carbon footprint.

So what is carbon footprint?
In a simple term; carbon footprint means the emissions of greenhouse gas caused by human activities either as an individual or an organisation. It can be expressed as Carbon dioxide equivalent.

Interesting right? Let’s put it this way;
When you go to a shopping mall in your car…. during that activity you emit CO2 as an individual
When you put on your electrical appliances…. heat is transferred….energy consumed
I am not saying these activities are bad but with this knowledge, we can relate better with our environment and do our activities in a more sustainable way.

You ask me how?
For example:
* If the shopping mall is in a walkable distance why not do the body some good by walking.
* When going out from your home turn off all electrical appliances
* You can buy only what you need especially with food to reduce food waste.

Now … for better understanding:
* Let’s calculate our individual carbon footprint
It’s not easy but it’s achievable.

Let’s calculate our individual carbon footprint by using the link below.

Choose the country where you live and be sincere….

Those in the United Kingdom can use this

In addition, some research found out that those living in the developed countries tend to have a higher carbon footprint because of the amount of energy consumed and access to a more comfortable lifestyle.

I also think those in developing countries can have higher carbon footprint because of over exploitation of natural resources like:

* Wood burning for cooking especially in parties….
* Generator usage as alternative electricity supply…

So it’s not just about the location….
Let’s begin to be more environmental conscious by reducing our carbon footprint!

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Written by: Juliet