Mending the bridge with STEM

Our Founder, Dr Adeola Olubamiji attended a meeting with Superintendent Robert Johnson and Sergeant Bassey Osagie (our community leader) of the Toronto Police 32 & 34 Division.

Since we often have tension between minority youths and Police, Toronto Police has reached out to STEMHub Foundation for a PARTNERSHIP to help take STEM outreach to more minority-dominated neighbourhoods. They met face-to-face to solidify the beginning of this community-impacting journey!

The honour to educate, inspire and empower those who look like me and hold their hands as they navigate STEM-related careers is fulfilling. We will also help share ideas about businesses that can be created through these hands-on activities and provide these youths with mentoring opportunities from our awesome lists of volunteers!

We are glad to walk this terrain with our partner Dilesha Stelmach, the founder of Oui STEM Academy and we can’t wait to begin this journey in the Toronto neighbourhoods! The Superintendent said, we have read about your integrity and reputation. Please lead us into the community to engage the youths! Me and Dilesha sat down there feeling like a billion dollar worth 😆

After that meeting, I headed to my 9-5 gig. The struggle is real but we have no excuse to not build the community! #Community #communitybuilding #STEM #Partnership #Collaboration