We are excited to announce that our STEMstars program will be launched on the 3rd of December, 2018. This initiative is starting as a pilot program with 40 participants.

STEMstars is a mentee-driven mentoring program that strategically pairs mentees with mentors based on career needs and goals.

It includes a one-year commitment from both mentees and mentors, during which mentees have one-hour monthly consultation sessions with their mentors.

Mentors are carefully selected; they are seasoned professionals who volunteer their time to share their accumulated experiences and insights. Their encouragement and input help shape their mentees’ journeys as they navigate various career paths.

The mentors also serve as role models, provide advice, feedback and challenge their mentees to grow.

While the mentees bring insights and experiences of their own, contributing to the mutual learning between mentors and mentees which aids greater understanding across spheres of influence.

We are proud to introduce Marsha and Minha as our STEMstars managers.
As managers of STEMstars, they are responsible for the smooth running of our STEMstars program.

Find out more about them below.

*Marsha Miller, B.A. Soc. STEMstars Manager*
Marsha is an experienced business manager with a demonstrated history of 15 years’ work in the telecommunications industry.

*Minha R. Ha, B.Sc., M.A., STEMstars Manager*
Minha is a PhD candidate at York University, with 8 years of work experience in the higher education setting.