Our founder, Dr. Adeola Olubamiji spent today at the Canada International African Diaspora Summit as a keynote speaker and to lead discussion on skill acquisition for the jobs of the future alongside the African Union Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor. Also in attendance was Dr. Habiba Chakir (Vice President, Ottawa Diplomatic Association). The event took place at the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, Canada.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the African Union “Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want” was championed and “1+1 Million by 2021” was launched. To obtain the Africa we want, our founder advocated for education reform with focus on implementing Industry 4.0 skills acquisition pathways for African Universities. She explained that to attract manufacturing and research and development investments to Africa, we must be equipped with skill sets needed to compete for the jobs of the future. She also stressed that critical thinking must be paired with entrepreneurial thinking to enable us be able to create 1 Million innovative jobs by 2021 (1+1 million by 2021).
We acknowledge the efforts of the Member of Provincial Parliament of Ontario, Faisal Hassan, who discussed how he moved the motion to enable creation of internships and coops for Ontario students to enable that students obtain some work experience while in school. Shout out to some of STEMHub’s engineers and scientists who showed up at this event to support our founder #Youths #Agenda2063 #AfricanUnion #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Africa #TheAfricaWeWantToSee #AfricansInDiaspora #BlackScientists