Wondering how you can make some extra cash remotely?
Are you a small business owner looking to promote your business?
Join us for a free graphic design training with Brand Identity Designer, @bolanlebanwo
With graphic design skills you can
Create a stable income as a remote graphic designer, social media manager, digital marketer and work with reputable companies.
Enhance your business advertising by designing your website, company logo, flyers, business cards and other marketing materials without having to outsource.
Mark your calendar and join us on Zoom this Saturday at 9am Eastern Time / 2pm West African Time.
#webinar #coaching #development #graphicdesign #CareerGoals #ShortTermGoals #LongTermGoals #CareerPlanning #NewEntrant #NextLevel #Relocation #Canada #USA #Nigeria #Mentorship #StrategicPlanning #Promotion #PostCovid #Covid19 #SocialDistancing #Isolation #Quanrantine