For almost 3 years, we have kept our vision to continue to empower underserved youths and professionals through STEM education with little to no funding.
Following many late nights and navigating our way through the complex charity application process, we are thrilled to announce we have been granted charity status! STEMHub Foundation is a charity with the Registered Charity Number 775220916 RR 0001.
A special thank you to the members of STEMHub Foundation for their commitment, support, time, and energy contributed towards the different programs. Please celebrate this milestone with us by sharing our works with others and donating towards our virtual programs for youths.
STEMHub Foundation through STEM aims to increase accessibility to practical and quality STEM programs that may be hard to access by underserved or low-income communities within Ontario. We seek to partner with organizations to expand our program, serve more youths and professions, and make a lasting impact in our community.
Are you interested in partnering with STEMHub Foundation? Send an email to marsha.miller@stemhubfoundation.com.
Thank you.