STEMing Workshop: Black Snake Experiment

STEMing Workshop: Black Snake Experiment #STEMHubFoundation was #STEMing with the children again today. We had “Black Snake Experiment” and the kids picked up new keywords such as exothermic reaction, Carbon-dioxide, polymerization, caramelization, chemical engineering and names of chemicals and more. Yes, the snake grew out of a levelled surface. As the fire reduces, the snake […]

Workshop at Dylott Etobicoke

On November 11, 2017, we held a STEMing workshop for the DYLOTT team in Etobicoke. The youths of DYLOTT  had a memorable experience learning about DNA extraction from strawberries and making of crystals. Since this event happened towards Christmas, the youths were encouraged to create personalized Christmas trinkets for their friends and family members. We […]