STEM Internship/ Co-op Readiness workshop
Throwback to last Saturday when we had a STEM Internship/ Co-op Readiness workshop. Despite the snow storm, students and volunteers came out to participate. #stemeducation #stemstars #volunteers
Throwback to last Saturday when we had a STEM Internship/ Co-op Readiness workshop. Despite the snow storm, students and volunteers came out to participate. #stemeducation #stemstars #volunteers
Highlights from our last training: We discussed triboelectricity and how rubbing materials transfer electric charges from one material to another. We started the experiment with a balloon and a towel. Rubbing the inflates balloon with the towel transfer charges to the balloon making it negatively charged. Then we saw how the balloons repelled each other […]
*THE SCIENCE OF SOUND* Sound is produced when something vibrates. The vibrating body causes the medium (water, air, etc.) around it to vibrate. Vibrations in air are called traveling longitudinal waves, which we can hear. Sound waves consist of areas of high and low pressure called compressions and rarefactions, respectively. Our project today was centered […]
October was a fun and busy month for STEMHub foundation. Take a peek at what we were up to. October 3: The chemistry and chemical reaction behind slime making doesn’t get old. The youths got to learn about monomers and polymers! Chemical bonds formed when you mix the PVA glue and slime activator together. October […]
Some of our girls and instructor having fun and learning about the chemistry behind the “making of ice cream” at @jacentre4girls last Saturday! . . . . Pairing engineers with our youths is one thing that differentiate us from the others. Our lead instructor @enem_vanessa who taught this chemistry class is a real Chemical Engineer […]
We are excited to again be partnering with the Jean Augustine Centre to deliver exciting workshops on Saturdays starting from today (6 weeks)! What do we have planned for the girls? Python coding, graphics design, animation, chemical engineering and so on.